
2018 Endeavor Impact Report

Issue link: http://endeavor.uberflip.com/i/1058114

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2 3 S P OT LI G H T: V E ZEE TA communication barriers surrounding the industry are broken down, and, as a result, healthcare has become far more easily accessible throughout the region. Using Vezeeta, patients have full access to healthcare providers through an app that helps them search, choose, rate, review, book, share data and tele-communicate. Doctors can also find new patients and manage administrative tasks that they would normally need an assistant's help with. "In addition to more clients within Egypt, I'm getting new patients from around the world thanks to Vezeeta. My business has increased by at least 20%," said Dr. Mohammad El Kady, an oncologist. "Something as basic as an app to help patients gain access to better healthcare is revolutionary in the region," said Martha Sami, Director of People and Culture at Vezeeta. Disruption is more than a goal for Vezeeta; it's a cultural value. Inside the company employees are encouraged to identify opportunities and innovative solutions to improve healthcare. "We totally believe that our employees are entrepreneurs in their own roles," Martha said. BY THE NUMBERS: 2 . 5 M patients served 1 0,0 0 0 doctors connected 3 M appointments booked 4 countries

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