
2018 Endeavor Impact Report

Issue link: http://endeavor.uberflip.com/i/1058114

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NICOLAS SZEKASY CO-FOUNDER & MANAGING PARTNER, KASZEK VENTURES; ENDEAVOR ENTREPRENEUR AND ENDEAVOR GLOBAL BOARD MEMBER " Founders love to have Endeavor Catalyst as a shareholder, and Endeavor Catalyst has consistently proven to be a value-add partner. Endeavor is now having an even larger, more positive impact in all of the regions where it operates, through Endeavor Catalyst." 2 5 EN D E AVO R C ATA LYST MOST ACTIVE ENDEAVOR CATALYST CO -INVESTORS: Amadeus Capital BECO Capital General Atlantic Kaszek Ventures Monashees+ Omidyar Network Redpoint eventures Rise Capital Riverwood Capital Sequoia Capital TPG Valor Capital I N V E STI N G A LO N GSI D E TH E LE A D I N G FU N DS O F TH E WO R LD e Endeavor Catalyst model of co-investment—investing in up to 10% of each qualifying round—relies on great co-investors. Fortunately, since launching in 2012, Endeavor Catalyst has had the opportunity to invest alongside some of the leading funds of the world, counting more than 100 different funds as co-investors to date. Perhaps most encouraging of all, we've seen a very positive trend of co-investing time and time again with the same funds. ese "repeat customers" demonstrate Endeavor's ability to add value not only to our entrepreneurs, but also to the investor syndicates we join. For example, Kaszek Ventures, a Latin American venture capital firm started by early Endeavor Entrepreneurs, Nicolas Szekasy and Hernan Kazah of MercadoLibre—whom we've co-invested with eight times! TH E E N D E AVO R C ATA LYST CO M M U N IT Y Endeavor Catalyst is more than just a fund; it is a global community that strongly believes in the growth potential of Endeavor Entrepreneurs and in the sustainability of Endeavor's model. Providing capital Endeavor Entrepreneurs can count on, Endeavor Catalyst has quickly become one of Endeavor's key services. Each year, in con- junction with Endeavor Outliers, Endeavor Catalyst convenes its community of investors, donors, and portfolio companies for its annual Investor Meeting. Endeavor Board Chairman Edgar Bronfman, Jr. (right) interviews Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi at the 2018 Investor Meeting.

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