
2019–20 Endeavor Catalyst Annual Report

Issue link: http://endeavor.uberflip.com/i/1252392

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7 T H E E N D E A V O R M O D E L 1 S E A R C H Endeavor works to develop entrepreneurial ecosystems in a range of countries and regions where there's a critical need for businesses that can scale. As more and more people recognize the potential of high-impact entrepreneurship to transform economies and create social value, institutions and business leaders increasingly urge Endeavor to launch in their communities. 2 S E L E C T Multiple times per year, Endeavor's rigorous, multi-step selection process concludes with an International Selection Panel (ISP), where business leaders interview and select the next class of Endeavor Entrepreneurs. 3 S C A L E - U P Post-selection, Endeavor provides its entrepreneurs with access to talent, mentorship, and capital through a series of customized local and global services. For eligible companies, Endeavor Catalyst may also serve as a source of capital. 4 S P R E A D As Endeavor Entrepreneurs scale their businesses, they create jobs and generate significant revenues that have a lasting positive impact on their markets. Endeavor Entrepreneurs have created 4.1mm jobs and, in 2019, Endeavor companies generated $24bn in revenues. Endeavor also helps its entrepreneurs take on key roles in their ecosystems—90% of Endeavor Entrepreneurs become active promoters of high-impact entrepreneurship either as angel investors or mentors. 5 S U S TA I N Endeavor has always been an organization of, by, and for entrepreneurs. To support Endeavor's goal of long-term sustainability, Endeavor Entrepreneurs are motivated to pay it forward, reinvesting their financial gains, expertise, and time into the next generation of entrepreneurs.

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