
2023 Endeavor Impact Report

Issue link: http://endeavor.uberflip.com/i/1517661

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619 SECON D OPIN ION REVIEWS Endeavor mentors conducted multiple interviews with 6 1 9 companies, probing their business strategy, innovation, growth potential, and entrepreneurs' personal qualities. 234 LOCAL SELECTION PAN ELS Local mentors and board members interviewed and deliberated on 2 3 4 companies at an LSP. IT' S U NAN IMOUS ! Only those final candidates gaining unanimous approval from panelists are selected. In 2023, 152 new Endeavor Entrepreneurs leading 81 companies joined our community. The Endeavor seal of approval carries significant weight with investors, partners, and industry leaders. 81 109 INTERNATIONAL SELECTION PAN ELS International business leaders, investors, and high-scale Endeavor entrepreneurs served as panelists to interview candidates leading 1 0 9 companies. Kimberly Lewis Co-founder & CEO, CurlMix (Detroit, U.S.) 2 7

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