
2023 Endeavor Impact Report

Issue link: http://endeavor.uberflip.com/i/1517661

Contents of this Issue


Page 41 of 59

Endeavor supports over 2,500 high-impact entrepreneurs today across 40+ countries — and counting. This year we continued our active expansion, searching the world to identify markets with a growing pipeline of high-impact entrepreneurs and a vibrant startup scene lacking in scaleup support. In 2023, we launched a new office in Portugal and a Global Support Office in London. Our Global Footprint G LO BA L S U P P O RT O FFI C E S New York San Francisco London Singapore A R G E NTI N A Buenos Aires Córdoba Rosario Noa Cuyo Patagonia ATL A NTA B R A Z I L São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Belo Horizonte Curitiba Florianópolis Porto Alegre Recife Fortaleza B U LG A R I A Sofia CA N A DA Calgary C H I LE Santiago Patagonia: Puerto Varas Atacama: Antofagasta C O LO M B I A Bogotá Barranquilla Medellín C O LO R A D O D ETR O IT EC UA D O R Quito EGY P T Cairo G R E EC E Athens I N D O N E S I A Jakarta I R E L A N D Dublin ITA LY Milan JA PA N Tokyo J O R DA N Amman K E N YA Nairobi LE BA N O N Beirut LO U I SV I LLE M A L AYS I A Kuala Lumpur M E X I C O Mexico City Puebla Querétaro Mérida Guadalajara Monterrey M I A M I M O R O C C O Casablanca N I G E R I A Lagos Endeavor launches in markets with: • A pipeline of potential high-impact entrepreneurs • A vibrant start-up scene still lacking in scale-up support • Local "pull" from top business leaders ENDEAVOR HAS OFFICES IN: 42 M A R K E T S 68 C I T I E S 4 2

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