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H OW IT WO R K S Endeavor's Founder to Funder Community visits Andreessen Horowitz in Menlo Park, CA. HOW IT WORKS: A Model That Delivers Results On the following pages you'll learn more about our model, which has been honed over the years to produce signicant results: We are pulled into new geogra- phies by local business leaders. is assures that we are part of the local fabric and helps us recruit the best local mentors to complement our worldwide talent network. We rigorously screen and provide feedback to candidates to nd those with the most high-impact potential, a process that can take up to a year or more from initial engagement to our International Selection Panels. We design our services—from local advisory boards to the global Endeavor Investor Network—to achieve max- imum scale-up success. We "Endeavorize" entrepreneurs to pay it forward and multiply their impact. We want—and expect— our entrepreneurs to be leaders and change agents in their communities. Endeavor Communities Žo be‰‰er ser†ice ‰he en‰repreneurs in i‰s global ne‰–or", …ndea†or is launching …ndea†or Communi‰ies as s‰ruc‰ured cohor‰s oˆ en‰repreneur groups ˆocused on speciˆic challenge areas or indus‰ries. Ini‰ial commu- ni‰ies include ¤ood ° Be†erage and ¤ounder ‰o ¤under. …ach group –ill ‰a"e sligh‰lŠ diˆˆeren‰ ˆorma‰s and—‰a"ing a page ˆrom ‰he …n‰repreneurs' plaŠboo"s—‰he ini‰ia‰i†e –ill e†ol†e as i‰ gro–s. Žhe common goal is ‰o encourage peer-‰o-peer learning in groups ‰ha‰ pro†ide suppor‰, "no–ledge-sharing, and ne‰–or"ing –hile in†ol†ing ‰op men- ‰ors and indus‰rŠ e¡per‰s in ‰he ne‰–or". #EmprendedoraEndeavor q ±…mprendedora…ndea†or, made possible bŠ ‰he 'hose ¤ounda‰ion, aimed ‰o high- ligh‰ ˆemale en‰repreneurs in ‰he …ndea†or ne‰–or". Žhrough a mi¡ oˆ shor‰ †ideos and †ibran‰ †isuals, …ndea†or shared ‰he s‰ories oˆ ‰hese inspira‰ional –omen and ‰heir unique perspec‰i†es on liˆe, business and en‰repre- neurship in ¨a‰in —merica. Žhe campaign –as recognižed bŠ ‰he Conˆerence Board, –hich ga†e …ndea†or i‰s „016 —–ard ˆor Inno†a‰ion in Social and Digi‰al Communica‰ions. 11 K ARINA VON BAER , CHILE